Welcome to my world ♡

Abit about me ♥

Just my life thrown onto a webpage, holidays, life, and random sh*t. I’m a psychology student in my second year at uni and also work part-time in my local supermarket.. so just your totally average human!

I started this blog to write about my little travels.. Writing about my holiday experiences makes me sooooo happy and hope to encourage others to book something new and explore a new place. Travel is such a passion of mine, it starts with Jonny suggesting a break/holiday and I just go crazy and plan adventures!

Once a year go somewhere you’ve never been before

Dalai Lama

But there seems to be so much going on in my life right now, I thought it would be fun to write about it all! So heres to many more travels, how to’s, yoga, uni and just my life in general.

Please leave me feedback, subscribe and enjoy my posts!! If you wanna see what I get up to daily follow my Instagram – @ejh_xo

Em ♥